Paradeep is one of the Major Ports of India
and is the main out-let and in-let of the sea- borne trade of the
eastern part of the country spread over States such as Orissa, Andhra
Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal. The
natural resources and industrial products of this wide spread hinterland
are immense and the value of the Ore trade of the country passing
through the Port of Paradeep is considerably higher than many other
Major Ports of India.
foundation stone of the Port was laid by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
on the 3rd January, 1962. The construction works commenced from
the 19th November, 1962 and dredging operations started from the
15th March, 1964 by the Yugoslav Dredger "VLASINA".
During this period, this Port was under control of the Government
of Orissa.
of India took over the management of the Port from the State Government
on 1st june, 1965. The construction of the Iron Ore Berth was
completed and INS "INVESTIGATOR" had the privilege of
maiden berthing in the Port on the 12th March, 1966. The Port
was declared open by Mr. Peter Stambolic, Prime Minister of Yugoslavia
on the same day. Government of India declared Paradeep as the
Eighth Major Port of India on 18-04-1966 making it the FIRST MAJOR
PORT in the East Coast commissioned in INDEPENDENT INDIA.
Port was opened to traffic for Iron Ore in 1966 but after three
decades, the cargo profile has undergone a complete transformation.
It consists of not only Iron Ore, but also Thermal Coal, Coking
Coal, Chrome Ore, Manganese Ore, Semi-processed Ore cargo like
Charge Chrome, Ferro Chrome, Ferro Manganese, Limestone, Hard
Coke, Ingots and Moulds, Billets and Steel materials, Dead-burnt
magnesite, Scrap, Fertilizer, Food- grains, Reefer cargo, and
Fertilizer Raw- materials eg. Phosphoric Acid, Ammonia, Sulphur,
Rock Phosphate. The Port started handling containers and transhipment
of Petroleum products in 1991. One berth has been earmarked for
handling POL products.The varied nature of cargo handled bears
testimony to the efficient and personalised services of this Deep
Water Port.